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The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

How to prevent a riot in Iraq? Pull the Kabob away.

Ridiculous? US Soldiers discovered that demonstrations in Iraq started peacefully. Then, more and more people showed up, and they got hungry. Local food vendors set up shop to keep stomachs full. More and more people came, and once critical mass was achieved... tensions would ignite. Things could get ugly. So, they shifted tactics. When a demonstration kicked off, they focused on deterring the food vendors instead of the crowd. Then people got hungry. And went home.

We're entirely controlled by our habits. It's a good thing too. Think about how many decisions you need to make every day. Left shoe on, or right first. Should I brush my teeth first or shower? Eat toast or yoghurt? We're not even out of the house yet.

Our neurology has solved this problem. We develop habits, so our cortex can focus on more pressing needs. Things like, "Hey! Are we going to get eaten by that sabertooth lion?". Now, in our modern world, the threats have changed. But our brains have not.

This is a succinct, clear and mind-shattering account of how your brain works and how you can reprogram it. No BS. Just science. I'm not even going to tell you more details because you just need to read it. Right now.

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