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Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

I wanted to not like this book. It's pretty 'soap boxey', a bit preachy. I believe the writing is redundant in places. Some aggressive editing would have made it more concise without losing meaning.

However, about a quarter of the way through, it hit me that the concepts in these pages are fundamental. Not just in business, but in life.

Empathy is a wishy-washy word that gets thrown around a lot. Still, Simon's exploration of empathic leadership and what happens in organizations where it is missing is fascinating.

He anchors the book around four important molecules in neurochemistry: Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin. It turns out good management elicits chemical changes in the brain that improve health, and bad management does the exact opposite. Bad management, creating stressful environments where teammates don't feel comfortable, literally hurts people.

A must-read for anyone interested in neuroscience and effective leadership.

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